Elizabeth Bidart

Elizabeth Bidart prioritizes her classroom teaching to incorporate an anti-bias lens in both academic and social emotional curriculum.  She has been a classroom teacher since 2016 and has co-taught 5th grade at Community Roots, Roots ConnectED's learning site, for a number of years before moving to its middle school as a 6th grade Humanities teacher.  As a classroom teacher she has helped write curriculum and create communities where children are seen and honored for who they are and where their voices matter.   Elizabeth has co-facilitated family workshops to connect families to their children's learning around issues of race, class, and white privilege.  She has been a facilitator with Roots ConnectED since 2018 and loves collaborating with fellow educators because our classrooms are places where we can imagine and co-create more just, supportive worlds. She is also passionate about supporting people in prison through their parole process, and works with an organization Parole Preparation Project to do so. She received her MA in Childhood Special Education at Bank Street Graduate School of Education.
