Inclusive Practices Institute

In person May 20-22, 2024 at our learning site in Brooklyn, NY.

The 3 day Inclusive Practices Institute offers teams of 3 - 5 educators and school leaders the opportunity to share in the exploration of the principles and strategies of inclusive education in order to increase access to general education curriculum, support individual needs and ensure all students are meaningfully included in learning. 

Equity and access are a primary focus in developing inclusive schools and classrooms. Educators will explore the Framework for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and consider how to develop powerful goals for units and lessons that increase student access and eliminate barriers to learning. 

Teams will also have the opportunity to examine practices for small group instruction. We will look at best practices for co-planning and how to best leverage adults in the inclusive classroom. We will zoom in on the effective use of high impact co-instruction models such as stations and parallel teaching. Participants will learn how these models can be used in the classroom to more effectively teach to the edges, accounting for the inherent variability in all learners.

A general agenda may be found here.

Notes regarding registration:

  • Must register with teams of 3-5 educators from the same school site. 

  • Institute+Coaching packages are available on the registration page. This option offers attendance to the Institute accompanied with follow up Coaching that allows for more catered focus and process planning based on the goal that your team set at the Institute. That package will include 5 coaching calls that center on moving your school site closer to your goal and creating longer term goals to move your school and classrooms to be more equitable spaces for all children.