Engaging Families in Schools: Innovative Approaches to Community Building


One of the most important stakeholders in a school community are the families. In this workshop, we'll share an innovative approach to family programming, one that pushes us to think beyond the "multicultural potluck" and towards authentic relationship building and a further sense of belonging with families in our school community. We will discuss the key elements needed for successful community programming and elements of careful program planning, in order to reach the full diversity of families within the school community. Participants will leave with an opportunity to think about how this approach has direct impact on their practice and specific school sites and will consider next steps in continuing to build their vibrant school communities. This workshop is for anyone at the school site who supports family engagement opportunities at the school level (ie: (school leaders, school staff, parent liaisons and organizers, community organizer).


Raising Change Makers: Teaching Social Action 


The Myth of the Average Learner: Mindset Around Learner Variability